Ulmer Mode

Ulmer Mode Web & Design

Ulmer Mode – this has nothing to do with the beautiful city of Ulm, but with the Ulmer family from the even more beautiful city of Konstanz. For more than 50 years Ulmer Mode has been an independent and free family business in Konstanz, which we have been allowed to look after holistically for several years. Several names and designs of the various Ulmer Mode stores originate from us. Now we were allowed to redesign and redesign the website, whereby an attractive “by-catch” went into the net.

Ulmer Mode

Retail is change. With this in mind, Christian Ulmer steers his fashion houses, currently Mode Forum, N27 and SOHO LAGO, with professional skill and entrepreneurial flair. In contrast, the “Hosenladen”, the boutique “Elisabeth”, the “Men Shop”, the “Ulmer Modemeile” and the “Mode Galerie” are all things of the past. Even though many a store has come and gone over the decades, the constant has always been the hard-working Ulmer family, starting with Christina and Erwin Ulmer, the parents of the current managing director.

We designed a website for the umbrella brand “Ulmer Mode”, which had not yet made a visual appearance on the market, to serve as a connecting element between the fashion houses. Since there had been no need for a corporate design for this primarily organizational sender, since it was active at most in a B2B context, we had free rein in the design.

We defined various wraps, for example for the appearance of headlines, the use of mouse-over effects, or even the clear and easy-to-filter presentation of brand worlds. We deliberately kept the overall impression monochrome, restrained and with a lot of white space, as the visual identities of the three fashion houses already bring enough color into play.



Corporate Design
Logo Design
Motion Design
Print Design

As a positive side effect of these considerations, a visual framework was finally created that convinced the customer so much that we quickly derived a kind of mini corporate design from it for other applications as well. For example, the brochure introducing the fashion stores now features this overarching design. Sometimes it’s a smart approach to first walk a few meters towards a smaller target before aiming for the big one.

This way of developing a corporate design in a quasi agile manner is possible when there is a deep relationship of trust between client and agency. That is definitely the case here and we are very happy about the collaboration.

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Hallo. Ich bin ein kleiner Blindtext. Und zwar schon so lange ich denken kann. Es war nicht leicht zu verstehen, was es bedeutet, ein blinder Text zu sein: Man ergibt keinen Sinn. Wirklich keinen Sinn. Man wird zusammenhangslos eingeschoben und rumgedreht – und oftmals gar nicht erst gelesen. Aber bin ich allein deshalb ein schlechterer Text als andere?

s-peers AG

Hallo. Ich bin ein kleiner Blindtext. Und zwar schon so lange ich denken kann. Es war nicht leicht zu verstehen, was es bedeutet, ein blinder Text zu sein: Man ergibt keinen Sinn. Wirklich keinen Sinn. Man wird zusammenhangslos eingeschoben und rumgedreht – und oftmals gar nicht erst gelesen. Aber bin ich allein deshalb ein schlechterer Text als andere? Na gut, ich werde nie in den Bestsellerlisten stehen. Aber andere Texte schaffen das auch nicht. Und darum stört es mich nicht besonders blind zu sein. Und sollten Sie diese Zeilen noch immer lesen, so habe ich als kleiner Blindtext etwas geschafft, wovon all die richtigen und wichtigen Texte meist nur träumen.

Hallo. Ich bin ein kleiner Blindtext. Und zwar schon so lange ich denken kann. Es war nicht leicht zu verstehen, was es bedeutet, ein blinder Text zu sein: Man ergibt keinen Sinn. Wirklich keinen Sinn. Man wird zusammenhangslos eingeschoben und rumgedreht – und oftmals gar nicht erst gelesen. Aber bin ich allein deshalb ein schlechterer Text als andere? Na gut, ich werde nie in den Bestsellerlisten stehen. Aber andere Texte schaffen das auch nicht. Und darum stört es mich nicht besonders blind zu sein. Und sollten Sie diese Zeilen noch immer lesen, so habe ich als kleiner Blindtext etwas geschafft, wovon all die richtigen und wichtigen Texte meist nur träumen.

Hallo. Ich bin ein kleiner Blindtext.

nd zwar schon so lange ich denken kann. Es war nicht leicht zu verstehen, was es bedeutet, ein blinder Text zu sein: Man ergibt keinen Sinn. Wirklich keinen Sinn. Man wird zusammenhangslos eingeschoben und rumgedreht – und oftmals gar nicht erst gelesen. Aber bin ich allein deshalb ein schlechterer Text als andere? Na gut, ich werde nie in den Bestsellerlisten stehen. Aber andere Texte schaffen das auch nicht. Und darum stört es mich nicht besonders blind zu sein. Und sollten Sie diese Zeilen noch immer lesen, so habe ich als kleiner Blindtext etwas geschafft, wovon all die richtigen und wichtigen Texte meist nur träumen.

Hallo. Ich bin ein kleiner Blindtext. Und zwar schon so lange ich denken kann. Es war nicht leicht zu verstehen, was es bedeutet, ein blinder Text zu sein: Man ergibt keinen Sinn. Wirklich keinen Sinn. Man wird zusammenhangslos eingeschoben und rumgedreht – und oftmals gar nicht erst gelesen. Aber bin ich allein deshalb ein schlechterer Text als andere? Na gut, ich werde nie in den Bestsellerlisten stehen. Aber andere Texte schaffen das auch nicht. Und darum stört es mich nicht besonders blind zu sein. Und sollten Sie diese Zeilen noch immer lesen, so habe ich als kleiner Blindtext etwas geschafft, wovon all die richtigen und wichtigen Texte meist nur träumen.

Hallo. Ich bin ein kleiner Blindtext.

Und zwar schon so lange ich denken kann. Es war nicht leicht zu verstehen, was es bedeutet, ein blinder Text zu sein: Man ergibt keinen Sinn. Wirklich keinen Sinn. Man wird zusammenhangslos eingeschoben und rumgedreht – und oftmals gar nicht erst gelesen. Aber bin ich allein deshalb ein schlechterer Text als andere? Na gut, ich werde nie in den Bestsellerlisten stehen. Aber andere Texte schaffen das auch nicht. Und darum stört es mich nicht besonders blind zu sein. Und sollten Sie diese Zeilen noch immer lesen, so habe ich als kleiner Blindtext etwas geschafft, wovon all die richtigen und wichtigen Texte meist nur träumen.

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Brightcon Website

Brightcon Website Relaunch

Brightcon is a Swiss company founded in 2008, which specializes in operational and strategic information management and business intelligence.
We have been supporting Brightcon since the development of the corporate design and were now allowed to redesign and realize the website.

Brightcon AG

If you say everything, you say nothing. Following this credo, we developed a super slim and maximally reduced website for our client Brightcon, which is graphically airy and, following the Pareto principle, only deals with those questions to which answers are needed in order to get a first impression and to recognize whether one is part of the target group. All too often, senders of information try to provide as many stakeholders as possible with as much information as possible. With the result that no one is left with anything.

In order to offer a high degree of efficiency in this project, we opted for an illustrative, graphic and typographic visual approach with the abandonment of photography. The corporate color orange, which was much more prominent on the old website, is used more as a highlight color on the new website. By licensing high-quality illustrations, which we combined individually, a fresh, interactive look and feel was created. And by deliberately reducing complexity, we were able to vividly present the content without using empty visual shells.

As a concise visual element, an organic-looking animation of an orange surface in the style of a lava lamp welcomes visitors. This surface is both a symbol for development and for the forecasting process. When scrolling or swiping, subtle parallax effects give the website a very special lightness, subconsciously paying tribute to the brand image of a dynamic, modern company. And the use of a contextual “tag cloud” at the bottom of the home page allowed us to convey the complexity of the wide field Brightcon is thematically on, despite the simplification.

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Edeka Baur Recruiting-Kampagne

Edeka Baur Recruiting-Kampagne 

Edeka Baur is the best address for food in the entire region. The claim is none other than “love”. Because with the grandiose advertising slogan “Wir lieben Lebensmittel” (We love food), which in the second version got a heart symbol as a substitute for the word “lieben” (love), Edeka has won just this heart of very many customers. We were allowed to develop a regional recruiting campaign for Edeka Baur. 

Campaign, Outdoor advertising, Print Design
Edeka Baur

What is the function of a campaign for a local employer? Depending on the contact time of the medium, it can be one to several functions. In the case of large-format billboards, the aim is to maximize the speed with which the message and the sender can be grasped; in the case of citylight billboards, a second piece of content can be communicated. 

The briefing for the Edeka Baur recruiting campaign was as good as it was clear: the anniversary design, which we had developed a while earlier and which was very popular with the Edeka team and customers alike, was to form the visual basis. A catchy advertising slogan as a headline was to convey the message that there are job offers at Edeka Baur and at Brothaus Baur. 

Bei aller Freude über die erneute Zusammenarbeit mit unseren lieben Nachbarn war uns bewusst: Es ist für die Zielgruppe „nur“ ein weiteres Jubiläum. Klarheit in der Kommunikation und das Finden des Kerns der Botschaft waren daher die obersten Maximen. Wir entwickelten in mehreren Iterationsschleifen ein wertiges Signet und eine emotionale, kraftvolle Farbwelt. Beides kombinierten wir und reicherten es mit einer Textur aus Lebensmittel-Illustrationen an. Als Ergebnis entstanden zwei Umsetzungen: Eine als Button, der in seiner Kreisform eine hohe Kompatibilität zu verschiedenen Anwendungen on- wie offline mitbringt. Und eine zweite als eine Art Qualitätssiegel, das in Vertikalanwendungen wie zum Beispiel Fahnen bestens zur Geltung kommt.

We took the established nationwide claim and turned it into a question: “Lieben Sie Lebensmittel?” (Do you love food?). Three words and a question mark says it all. Because the Edeka Baur appearance and the allusion to the claim implicitly resonate with the sender. At second glance, the target group can convince themselves of this, as both sender logos are placed in an easily recognizable position. 

The question and a hashtag call-to-action #jetztbewerben are visually separated by the Edeka love heart, resulting in a coherent overall composition. The ad is finished off with a generic web address that is easy to remember. The campaign ran for several weeks on billboards and citylights throughout the region. Once again, a wonderful collaboration with one of our favorite clients who is literally “close” to us.

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Krümelkiste Konstanz visuelle Identität

Krümelkiste Konstanz visual identity

The Krümelkiste Konstanz is more than a daycare center. It is an association, a concept, has two locations and is characterized by an outstanding capacity for further development. Founded in the early nineties by FH students as a playgroup for their children, it succeeded in gaining recognition and support from the city, then cooperation with the Seitenbau company, and finally membership in the Paritätischer Wohlfahrtverband. We were allowed to create a corporate forward design, new image and people photography, a homepage and many creative applications for the Krümelkiste.

Krümelkiste Konstanz e.V.

Ever since 1998, when we founded our agency in the Technology Center Constance, we felt it was a matter of course for us to contribute to our city within the scope of our possibilities. We still see it that way today. We offer special conditions to institutions that do something for our community. The Krümelkiste is such an institution. That’s why it was a special pleasure for us to be able to work here comprehensively.

In the beginning, all we really needed was a new website. The old one was no longer up to date in terms of content, design and concept. On the way to our goal, however, we realized that this new development was also an opportunity for a corporate forward design. In contrast to corporate redesign, forward design retains the basic appearance of the brand as far as possible. A clear change is allowed, but a learned visual identity should remain recognizable.

The Krümelkiste already had a corporate design created by professionals. It reflected in its impression the clarity of the architecture of the building in Turmstraße, the geometric. It also used the crate as a design element, which was used in a modular way according to the principles of Dynamic Design. In our derivation of the new logo, we didn’t want to lose the boxes, and we also wanted to keep the color concept. However, in the design we were looking more for the reference to the child, to the interactions between people.

Primary colors
Secondary colors

Our basic idea is based on playing with tracing paper. This memory of childhood was the starting point. Who has not experienced this in kindergarten: If you stuck colorful tracing paper to the window, the sun shone through and the paper glowed wonderfully. And if you overlaid different papers, new colors emerged. Through these overlays within the figurative mark, we created the new secondary colors of mint green and light orange, which we used to round out the existing color system.

We also chose a new path for the typography, without denying the old one. The new typeface is a little rounder, more striking, less formal, less straight and, thanks to the stronger typeface cut, fits perfectly with the new logo. In the juxtaposition, it can be clearly seen: Despite the quite significant change, the brand is still recognizable.

We continued to build on this basis and developed many illustrations to match the logo, emphasizing the playful, childlike, friendly character: All simplified depictions of themes from the surroundings of the two crumb boxes: the Seerhein, a sailboat, trees, the boxes as locations, but also symbols of happy childhood, for example laughter or eyes with long eyelashes, because that’s what children draw.

This cornucopia of illustrations then gave rise to further applications. For example, small animations to discover on the website, colorful buttons to pin on, or even posters on which contextual quotes from the educational concepts on which the crumb boxes are based are also included as design elements.

These graphic elements are juxtaposed with our interior photography, reportage photography and people photography, which provide insights into the world of the two crumb boxes on the website in bright colors and with beaming faces.

But we are far from finished with this state of affairs, because there is still so much to discover for us playchildren of graphic design. We are looking forward to it.

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Constellium Standorteröffnung

Constellium – Site opening

Constellium manufactures high-quality products made of aluminum. The company researches, develops and produces in many countries. Therefore, it happens from time to time that new locations are opened. Since Constellium’s security conditions must always meet the highest standards, creative media solutions are needed for the opening events and also for subsequent plant tours. We at LGM are exactly the right partners for this.


Before the opening

With our broad portfolio of graphic design, online, photography, animation and film production, we have already been involved several times as a partner when locations were opened in Germany, England or, as in this example, Slovakia. The scope of services was usually similar: Together with the customers, we developed ideas for the media in advance and collected the required content at the location that had not yet opened, produced photos and film raw material, and used these to create films and print products that could be used to inform the interested public about the individual production processes on the day of the ceremonial opening.

Especially with machines that cannot be presented live in action for safety reasons, a film says more than a thousand pictures. Each station of the tour was also marked with informative rollups. We equipped the events with representative backgrounds for the stages and simple wayfinding systems and produced event documentation videos and photos. An event logo illustration rounded off the range of services.

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The Ulmer family’s fashion stores are the top address for fashionistas in Constance. The starting point for the brand development of N27, which opened in 2013, was the naming and corporate design.

Ulmer Mode

At LGM, naming is an analytical process that increases certainty in this important decision. The approach with reference to the location at Neugasse 27, which resulted in the short form “N27”, emerged as the clear winner from the consideration.

The corporate design of the N27 is based on an identification element with an “avant garde approach”, clear, elegant lines and shapes. The dominant color is petrol, which is given a “visual feel” through a combination with texture.

The market existence campaign was run on several channels in Germany and Switzerland and resulted in an excellent start, with no cannibalization effect in the other stores. Today, N27 is one of the most successful fashion stores from Constance.

Other applications in various channels include services such as advertisements, direct mailings, the design and implementation of an e-mail newsletter, a website, photography and much more.

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Teba Corporate Redesign

Corporate Design-„rennovation“

“Tettnanger Bau- und Betreuungsgesellschaft” is well known in Tettnang under the abbreviation “teba”. No wonder, after all, the family-run company has been on site for half a century. The services offered by teba include the construction and sale of attractive condominiums in prime locations in Tettnang and the surrounding area. The group of companies also includes independent property management. The third main pillar of teba is the brokerage of valuable real estate. In the course of a corporate forward design we were allowed to give teba a still recognizable but nevertheless new face.

teba Wohn- und Gewerbebau Immobilien GmbH

The challenge in this task was, on the one hand, not to change the visual identity of a well-known local company too much, but on the other hand, the new appearance should radiate a modernity and freshness that is both zeitgeisty and timeless. To achieve this, we modernized the identification element, i.e. the word-image brand, in a way that is often done with living space nowadays when it is being renovated: We created space to breathe while at the same time reducing it. To do this, we removed the chimney of the old logo, reduced the line thickness of the signet and typography, and gave the word mark more breathing room within the figurative mark. “Courage to go white” is what this approach has always been called in our industry.

The effect of the new corporate design is now much more refined, fresher and also freer. With an additionally established color code, teba also differentiates between the various areas. As a special eye-catcher, we came up with a creative business card that is pre-cut and where the recipients of the card can build a house themselves by simply folding it. This first impression is not easily forgotten. Just as we have very positive memories of the wonderfully sympathetic collaboration with this modern, yet down-to-earth team. Many thanks to the teba team.

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Soho Lago Branding

Soho Lago Branding

In our opinion, SOHO LAGO is the most beautiful store in Germany’s most successful shopping center, LAGO in Constance. Shopping there is an inspiring experience for women as well as for men. Many people have given their best to make it so good: the visionary Christian Ulmer, the shopfitting experts, the interior designers and many more. We were also allowed to do our part by developing the branding and corporate design.

Ulmer Mode GmbH & Co.KG

A branding project like this lives from the time and love you put into it. As was the case with the successful launch of the N27 years ago, the excellent chemistry between the client and our team proved itself again this time. First, we started the name search, which produced a whole series of suitable names. In the end, the decision fell clearly on a suggestion from the client, which we then gave a face: Soho Lago. Clarity in the design and in the choice of design elements was our credo.

We were helped by the definition of the target group. At the beginning, SOHO LAGO only sold fashion for women, which is why the formulation was purely female: Our customer is a vital, human and visually attractive woman who is successful at work but not a careerist. She is educated, but does not brag about it. She eats healthily, but is not averse to indulgence and occasionally lets things slide. She is empathetic and cares for her circle of friends. She is sexy in an unobtrusive way. She is sporty and relaxed at the same time: no overambitious goals, but feel-good fitness. She loves traveling, but is very happy where she lives.

The tonality of SOHO LAGO’s visual and textual communication was derived from this definition. Self-confident. Not cool, but cosmopolitan. Headlines in English, other texts in German. We used the illustration of a tropical flower motif consisting of plumeria and hibiscus by the illustrator Volha Manusovich from the USA as a graphic-emotional counterpart to the clear lines and the deliberately versal logo typography in two font styles and the frame. The result is an image that can be used in a variety of ways and at the same time opens up a creative freedom that optimally conveys the visual identity across all media and is also compatible with the expansion of the range of products for men. We love branding.

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Fusionskampagne Volksbank Friedrichshafen-Tettnang

Merger campaign Volksbank

In the area of cooperative banks, mergers are almost the order of the day. In this process, it is important to keep the brand in mind and to create a good basis for positioning and subsequent marketing activities. This is exactly what Volksbank Friedrichshafen-Tettnang asked us to do.

Volksbank Friedrichshafen-Tettnang eG

After defining and designing the new name, the campaign focused on the “new” employees. As every employee is “new” in a new bank, employees were able to apply in an internal casting. 14 employees were selected and photographed and are now present in advertisements, digital media and in the branches since September 2017.
With the statement “You can count on me”, the values of the new Volksbank Friedrichshafen-Tettnang are well conveyed.

For internal communication, we developed a get-to-know-you evening under the sign of the stars in cooperation with the client. Under the motto “A look into the future”, the employees of the two banks were brought together by zodiac sign selection. After a staff meeting and a dinner with table changes during the menu, there was plenty of time to get to know each other in the Graf-Zeppelin-Haus.

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Lorth Gessler Mittelstaedt GmbH
Reichenaustr. 36

78467 Konstanz
+49 (0)7531.189550
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