Tettnanger Hopfen Dokumentarfilme
Filme „über“ Hopfengärten
Tettnang hops are considered by experts to be one of the best agricultural quality products of all. Beer producers proudly mark this exclusive ingredient of their beer explicitly on the bottles. Reason enough to honor it accordingly. In two films, we documented the harvest, the spectacular landscape and the events surrounding the green gold from Upper Swabia.
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Different airborne camera systems were used. At the Hop Hiking Day, the festival around the Tettnang hops, which is known far beyond the borders of the city, we went to the start with a multicopter Inspire 1. Best flying weather and 15,000 visitors led to results worth seeing. Due to the higher flexibility, we performed the aerial shots during the harvest with a smaller DJI Phantom 4 quatrocopter. The deliberately chosen extreme widescreen format and the fitting film music enhance the grandiose impression when diving into the world of Tettnang hops.