CSR – Corporate Social Responsibility
Since our founding, we at LGM have actively lived our conviction that every company should always also fulfill a social co-responsibility. We do this less with donations and more through our creativity and our skills. For a long time we didn’t talk much about it, but after more than twenty years we have now decided to present our voluntary commitment.
It all started with an interview documentary about Fritz Ottenheimer, a Jew from Constance who had to witness the rise of National Socialism with his family and was able to flee just in time. We produced this film pro bono, as we were convinced of the importance of this cinematic document. Today, as Mr. Ottenheimer is no longer with us, we are very grateful for this experience and hope that the film will convey these valuable first-hand impressions to many more people.
Then came the script competition for school classes on the subject of xenophobia, which we staged at the end of the nineties. For this commitment, we were honored by the then German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder in Berlin as one of the 25 best social projects from Germany in the startsocial competition. The film “Wo zum Teufel ist Babylon?” (“Where the hell is Babylon?”), which was shot with the winning class, is a nice reminder of this time and can be viewed here upon request (the password will be provided upon request).
Since 2007 our social engagement has been shaped by Rotary. Jan Mittelstaedt was a founding member of the Rotary Club Konstanz-Mainau at that time and is a Rotarian with all his heart. Since then we have supported numerous Rotary projects with our work and ideas. For example, the worldwide fight against polio, the largest health project of mankind, End Polio Now, to which we have contributed our small part with our idea of an espresso cup against polio.
More about Rotary
Since the founding of the first club in 1905 by four friends in Chicago, Rotary has developed into a global network. More than one million dedicated men and women in Rotary share the vision of doing good in the world. They want to help those who cannot help themselves: in the local environment of their own community and in international humanitarian aid projects. In line with the UN’s Millennium Development Goals, the focus is on the following areas:
Peace & conflict prevention/resolution
Disease prevention & treatment
Water & sanitation
Maternal & child health care
Basic education & literacy
Economic & community development
Supporting the environment
In addition to the individual projects of each club, there are major international projects organized by Rotary globally and supported financially through The Rotary Foundation as a foundation of all Rotarians. Rotary’s best-known project is End Polio Now, the worldwide fight against polio, in which Rotary and its partners have succeeded in reducing this terrible infectious disease by 99.99 percent since 1978. In addition, there is a second international lighthouse project of Rotary: the youth exchange. Rotary is the world’s largest volunteer youth exchange organization and has been contributing to world peace for decades.
At this point, we take an incomplete look at some of the projects with which we have been socially involved over the years.
Interview movie Fritz Ottenheimer
In cooperation with the two authors Barbara Stöcker and Heike Poschitz, we realized the production of a documentary interview film about and with Fritz Ottenheimer, who as a Jew had to flee Constance from the Nazis in 1938, as one of the first projects in our company history on a voluntary basis. At that time, the film was made available to the public as a continuous loop on a television set installed in the entrance area in the council hall vestibule in the historic town hall. The video cassette – at that time digital video players were still a thing of the future – was stolen by an unknown person, which was even the subject of an article in the Südkurier newspaper. For us, it was an impressive experience to sit with this contemporary witness in our first office in the Technology Center and accompany him with the camera to various locations and listen to his reports.
Here you can watch the film:
1998 Until 2001
“selbstgedreht” – the script competition for school classes against xenophobia and for international understanding
Our first self-initiated social project. We had the idea for it at the end of 1997, even before we were founded. The goal was to encourage young people to discuss the topics of xenophobia and international understanding within the context of their school classes. The task was to create a draft script for a short film as a school class. The winning draft, selected by a jury, was then filmed by us. In the second edition of the competition, the topic was violence in schools. We received a total of three awards in Berlin for the idea and implementation of the competition: from the Federal Minister for Family Affairs, Christine Bergmann, from the President of the Bundestag, Wolfgang Thierse, and from Chancellor Gerhard Schröder as part of startsocial.
More to startsocial
Translated from German: “The idea for startsocial was born in 2000 in preparation for the International Year of Volunteers 2001. Gerhard Schröder, then German Chancellor, discussed with various companies the question of how to give new impulses to social commitment. In response, Dr. Dieter Düsedau, then a senior partner at McKinsey, launched startsocial together with partners from the business community. As early as 2001, the first nationwide competition took place under the patronage of the German Chancellor (…)” (Source: startsocial.de/ueber-uns).
We participated in this first edition of startsocial with our script competition and were among the best 25 out of more than 2,000 applicants, which earned us a trip to the Chancellor’s Office. A great experience. Nevertheless, we had to discontinue the competition. The volunteer effort became too much for a small company like us. And since we were unable to finance at least part of the costs and the dotcom bubble did not leave us unscathed, the story of selbstgedreht ended after only two issues and one realized film. We were not able to realize the second film. But we didn’t see that as a defeat at the time, because at least we had sensitized some school classes to the topics of international understanding in the first competition and to the topic of violence in schools in the second edition.
See the winning film, a making-of documentary and a TV feature here. For data protection reasons, we have password-protected the films. You can request the password from us. To do so, send an email to passwort-selbstgedreht@lgm.info – thank you.
Making of selbstgedreht
In this 20-minute video documentary, the path from the idea to the finished film is traced and the many supporters are portrayed. At the very beginning, a real Oscar winner, Caroline Link, sends her regards. This film is also password protected. The password can be requested by sending an e-mail to passwort-selbstgedreht@lgm.info.
Feature on home-made in local television See TV
The second round of the script competition ran across borders in the four-country region of Lake Constance, then still called Euregio. This also caught the attention of regional television. Also password protected. You can request the password by sending an e-mail to passwort-selbstgedreht@lgm.info.
2001 Until 2003
LAKEnight – the local culture video portal
This idea was one of the volunteer projects that we also personally benefited from (not financially of course). Our vision was to establish a video portal with cinematic reports about the cultural scene in Constance. Without any funding, we threw ourselves into this vision, during which we not only learned a lot about online technology and video presentation on the Internet, but also got behind the stages of many a star who stopped off in Constance. And back then, thanks to the “Zeltfestival” (tent festival) and “Rock am See”, these were much bigger names than today. That we list this project here in the CSR section feels a bit strange, since we benefited so much from it non-monetarily. Nevertheless, it was a pure no-budget project that ran for several years and left at least a few smaller footprints on the cultural landscape of Constance. And there is no question that culture is an important part of our society. In this respect, it is probably right to mention LAKEnight here. But LAKEnight was not the only voluntary project in which we were involved for a long time with great pleasure. The Constance basketball players followed seamlessly.
2002 Until 2015
Basketball Constance Partner Sponsor Agency
In the early nineties, Jan Mittelstaedt had already taken over the press work for the basketball players of TV Konstanz for a few years, when his interest flared up again at the beginning of the millennium due to the promotion of the first men’s team.
- 2002 First logo design
- 2003 First website
- 2006 First basketball video podcast in Germany, which ran for several years
- Super ball design
- Creation of the legendary hot dog “Otto-Müller-Deifel-Dog”
- Several film productions
- Over the years, several redesigns of the logo and jerseys depending on the name sponsor, most recently in 2014.
A look behind the scenes
»Retterfilm« to find a new sponsor
New name sponsor found
Film about the “Tagesmütterverein” (childminders association) of the district of Constance
The first project we implemented on a voluntary basis for the Rotary Club of Constance-Mainau. Just in time for the club’s founding celebration, we presented the documentary film on the work of the daycare mothers’ association in the Constance district, which the club supported as its first social project. A number of other applications came from us in addition to the film.
Film about Rotary District 1930 in eight languages
The worldwide active service club Rotary is divided into districts. Constance is located in District 1930, which covers the very southwest of Germany. Together with a student we realized a film about this district, which we dubbed into eight languages to emphasize the internationality of Rotary. The film was released on a DVD at the time, which included all language versions.
Rotary Distrikt 1930 – The movie (German version)
Conception and design of the new club websites of the German Rotary Clubs (RO.WEB 2) including launch campaign film
We were able to demonstrate our online skills during the relaunch of the websites of the German Rotary Clubs. The concept was based on our credo of the Pareto principle: With 20 percent of the functionalities, 80 percent of the wishes can be fulfilled and the remaining functions are left out for the sake of better usability. Less is more, you could also say. We realized the concept and the design and accompanied the programming company during the implementation. For the launch of the new system, we also produced an explanatory film, which contributed to the fact that the most frequent questions of the clubs were already answered proactively and the support in the form of the Internet representatives of the 15 German districts only had to take care of the rather rare questions – again the Pareto principle.
Launch campaign film 2014
Film documentary of “Auf Zeit” with UrbanSkillz
For the first time not a Rotary project, but one from the field of youth culture: our film documentation of the project “Auf Zeit” by Olivia Maciejowski and her team UrbanSkillz. For this, we offered the young people a school-accompanying internship over the entire course of the project. The end result was the finished documentary film, for which the film team received well-deserved applause in front of many spectators and guests at the big closing event. UrbanSkillz rocked – we rocked with them!
Vision Rotary Digital 2025
Based on our experience in relaunching the German Rotary club websites, we developed a holistic and stakeholder-based vision for digital communication, digital cooperation, and digital training in the German-speaking Rotary world. This vision received on the rotary.de website its own section and has not lost much of its relevance despite a few years that have passed since then. Since visions are not always easy to grasp, we created four short films that follow the Rotarian career of a woman named Lisa and her use of various digital tools along the way.
Film 1: Lisa’s time with Rotaract
Film 2: Lisa and Rotary – Collaboration in the Club
Film 3: Lisa’s involvement in the District Advisory Council
Film 4: Lisa’s involvement in the District Advisory Council
2017 Until 2020
Sponsor of the show of works of communication designers

For several years, we provided financial support to the students of the communication design course at HTWG Konstanz for the Werkschau, the large exhibition and presentation of the final theses. And we are also very close to the university in other ways, because after all, many of us studied there.
Karlstraßen festival design

In 2018, on the initiative of Sven Empen and a few other comrades-in-arms, the idea was born to organize a street festival in Tettnang’s central shopping street and raise money for a good cause. We are strongly connected to Tettnang through many customers and our co-founder Stefan Gessler, so it was a matter of honor for us to support this festival with a creative design.
“Espresso Perfetto Nuovo” and the district graphic service as fundraising tools for END POLIO NOW.

Despite the global fight against Corona, Rotary International’s END POLIO NOW can still be called the largest health project in human history. It all began in the late 1970s, and today the wild poliovirus is on the verge of eradication. In just a few decades, polio could be a disease of the past. Until that time comes, we too will continue our commitment to support Rotary’s greatest project. One of these commitments is the fundraising campaign with the Espresso Perfetto Nuovo coffee cup, which we have designed and realized and which we continue to sell for 16 euros each. With the proceeds of each cup and the tripling of donations by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, about 60 children can be vaccinated against polio. So far, we have been able to realize about 100,000 vaccinations through this campaign and another volunteer effort that we offer in Rotary District 1930 with the District Graphic Service.
Film about ROTEX in Rotary District 1930
Rotary is the largest voluntary youth exchange organization in the world and has been contributing to world peace for many decades. A very important part of this perfectly coordinated organization are the former exchange students who have joined forces in the ROTEX association and support the Rotary clubs in their exchange program. Since far too little is known about ROTEX, we have made a film with the ROTEXers, which is available as a short and a full version.
ROTEX Film short version (4 minutes)
ROTEX Film Full Version (21 minutes)

How can people in nursing homes and other institutions maintain contact with their loved ones in times of a pandemic? Rotarian Ludwig Neher pursued this question and developed a concept of how contact can be established by video chat using the simplest of means. We added our ideas and skills to this beautiful project and voluntarily developed the name, the design and also the website schoen-Dich-zu-sehen.de.
Online portal for Rotary presentations in Germany rotaryvortraege.de

Started as an initiative in Rotary District 1930, our idea of an online lecture exchange for Rotary meetings developed into a huge success nationwide in a very short time. Once again developed according to the Pareto principle, the platform offers more than 1,000 Rotary clubs in German-speaking countries an answer to the question of how, in times of a pandemic, club meetings that have been moved to the Internet can be enriched with attractive presentations. Far over 100 lectures are offered on rotaryvortraege.de. We are very happy about this huge success of the exchange, which is editorially and technically supervised by our employee Jannik Mittelstaedt, who is himself a member of the Rotaract Club Konstanz-Kreuzlingen.
Rotary says thank you

At the suggestion of the first German Rotary World President Holger Knaack, we developed a concept of how the great idea of the Rotary Club of Norderney to say thank you to Corona nurses with a vacation could be multiplied in German-speaking countries. The name “Rotary says thank you” and the website originate from our house, as always with Rotary of course pro bono.
Konstanzer Kischtle concept and design

Constance Rotarians provided the idea, namely to do good twice with a bag full of delicious things bought in Constance retail stores: the stores suffering from the pandemic and the recipients, in this case a Corona nursing station. We developed the idea further in dialog and turned the gift bag into a win-win-win situation. Because with the concept of the Konstanzer Kischtle, on the one hand, the Constance Rotarians can do something good for the retailers by buying there in larger quantities. On the other hand, the sale of each Kischtle leaves a surplus, which is then used to support local social projects in Constance. And last but not least, the gift-givers win, as the Kischtle provides them with an answer to the frequently asked question of what to give as a gift. For the Kischtle, we developed the name, the design, the website konstanzer-kischtle.de and the online store on a voluntary basis. However, this wonderful project is only made possible by the cooperation of many enthusiastic Rotarians from Constance, for which we would like to say a heartfelt thank you.
Wanderkalender and wanderkalender.com design and development

How can the Rotary Club of Constance-Mainau raise money for its social projects? Rotarian Kathrin Härle answered this question with an ingenious idea: She used her passion for hiking and the many experiences she had gathered on countless hikes and designed a hiking calendar with all the trimmings. The first edition of this calendar sold like hot cakes and brought in a lot of money for the club. We were responsible for the design and the website wanderkalender.com.
Online portal for Rotary projects in Germany rotaryprojekte.de
The next volunteer project is already in the works. After the great success of rotaryvortraege.de, we are currently in the process of designing the rotaryprojekte.de website – also a classic synergy project based on the Pareto principle.
Relaunch rotaract.de
We are also happy to give our skills and creativity to the next generation of Rotaract Germany. The redesign of the website rotaract.de went live early in 2023.
Due to current events, we have put our team on a project for peace and developed the central platform for Ukraine aid projects of the German-speaking Rotary Clubs and also took over the technical content support.
Fundraising through anniversary design
By creating the anniversary design for the Rotary Club Konstanz-Rheintor pro bono, we not only contributed to a successful anniversary celebration, but also motivated the club to make additional voluntary donations to Polio Plus. Thanks to the tripling of the donation by the Gates Foundation, this made it possible for 3,000 children to be vaccinated against polio.
Ukraine-Hilfe Konstanz Logo and Website
For the non-profit association Ukraine-Hilfe Konstanz e.V. we created pro bono the logo and the website in three languages including a matching option for needs and offers.
Rotaract DEUKO Design and Communication
For the largest Rotarian event in Germany, the Rotaract Germany Conference, we create the design and develop the communication including the applications website, social media and merchandise.