Merger campaign Volksbank
In the area of cooperative banks, mergers are almost the order of the day. In this process, it is important to keep the brand in mind and to create a good basis for positioning and subsequent marketing activities. This is exactly what Volksbank Friedrichshafen-Tettnang asked us to do.
After defining and designing the new name, the campaign focused on the “new” employees. As every employee is “new” in a new bank, employees were able to apply in an internal casting. 14 employees were selected and photographed and are now present in advertisements, digital media and in the branches since September 2017.
With the statement “You can count on me”, the values of the new Volksbank Friedrichshafen-Tettnang are well conveyed.

For internal communication, we developed a get-to-know-you evening under the sign of the stars in cooperation with the client. Under the motto “A look into the future”, the employees of the two banks were brought together by zodiac sign selection. After a staff meeting and a dinner with table changes during the menu, there was plenty of time to get to know each other in the Graf-Zeppelin-Haus.