25 Jahre – We still inspire
The 25th anniversary of a course of studies is a great opportunity for a dignified celebration, for which it is worthwhile for alumni to return to their alma mater. The people in charge at Konstanz Business Administration also recognized this. In order to communicate the seriousness of this undertaking to the many graduates, we were commissioned to design the anniversary communication.

The design concept is based on a grid that is deliberately out of the ordinary. Just as the Constance BWL has never been adapted in all these years. The striking “25” is an allusion to a silver wedding anniversary between students and the course, and the wedding rings associated with it form the focal point of the communication as an intertwined signet. The 25 thus serves as the overarching identification element of the event.

The graphic design is deliberately contrasting and diverse – just like the degree program and its offerings. The striking, fresh design with small details to discover shows: Constance Business Administration has remained young even after 25 years. The color combination and also the special risography printing process create a very unique, unmistakable look, which, in conjunction with the wonderful feel of the chosen paper, is a pleasant analog counterpoint to the thoroughly digitalized world. The anniversary communication was rounded off by a temporary event website and an anniversary film, which was shown at the gala in the Bodenseeforum Konstanz.