Blickle Kinderhaus
The real estate market is empty, estate agents can hardly get hold of interesting properties. In these times, individual positioning is particularly important. Inspired by Peter Blickle’s focus on families, we developed the project “Blickle Kinderhaus”. The core of this project is the annual realization of a project that exclusively benefits children. The visible sign is the Kinderhaus-Mobil.

The logo is composed of the figurative sign and the word mark “Blickle Kinderhaus – Ein Projekt von Blickle Immobilien”. The house of the figurative sign is not rectangular. The furniture dances playfully in the basic shape of the house. The color scheme is in the basic colors of the children’s world.
This unconventional way of thinking / shape was also conceived and realized for the Ape.
The converted Vespa “Ape” is not only colorful, but bears surprises: Inside there are complete walk-in houses for the children to assemble themselves. The children can build their own house. The project is promoted through flyers, appearances at children’s festivals and press work. When the Kinderhaus-Mobil is not in use, it is a cost-effective advertising medium for Blickle Immobilien.
The enthusiasm of the children after the first performance showed that the Kinderhaus-Mobil will be a highlight at every children’s festival in the future.